domingo, 5 de octubre de 2014

Greatest common factor...

                                  Oooooooppppssss... sorry ;)

And the winner is... realto, the moment of truth in the alleged Mikhail Gorbachev towards the tremendous vision of issues and the route of real life pursuits. Because of my own journey to avoid the answers rollicking onwards my life sentiments. Once I've meandered the coaelsce of issues to fringe the whole esque of what is not right, atleast I've never claimed of the renowned production in the minarets of society, the claims maybe the full strength of what I said of against the business minders in my real life situation of pluralistic probabilities that, may provide of the diseases spreading around the anarchies of cruelty. The unlawfull means of what is poisonous in the past, the rule of grammar. Once it had been degraded of a certain fault, hereafter it made me concluded of the emmancipations in what can I derail in my life for a more appreciated essences in the strength of the good, the challenge, the better, the best and the mediocre. In that, they may tend to be  good schools of thaught once the telephone engineering maja have muttered me of the senses that I may had to have. When I meandered of the covets above, I may say that everything can be considered as analytical with the strengths of maja, the karla, masiglat and the babywhatever bati. Witness melrose when I experienced the war damaging emotions in my life against the heresies of the platonic means of the visions for the greatness of all. When most of everything got envied, then it means of the superlative that I'd become of the the past. When I debunk of myself, the visions were against the madness of charms until my flavors where that always a means of seige, of the spectrum ridges, of myself to pervade of the archetypal matters in my own strength. Of the catasthropes, that I've experienced in my life is the most unwealthy struggles that I may have for the continuous years to come. Behaviour would be behaviour, but my society above and the land would be SAM colours of Seo. In the better of status and life standards with my friend from past up to now were always a must have with essences of the real being of the righteousness. Echusa na lang sa kemelatek kong fever na fez with matching anti-Paquito Diaz na life.

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